
Women Empowerment Committee

Women Empowerment Committee


  • To create a space free from discrimination and harm where women may express their needs and goals and feel respected, empowered, and protected to reach their full potential.
  • To attend to women’s empowerment demands.


  • The aim is to educate female students and staff members about their legal rights and work towards their empowerment by promoting gender equality and implementing programmes that support women’s welfare.
  • Developing and enhancing women’s social, economic, and intellectual capacity for global peace, security, and prosperity through a broad variety of skills and knowledge acquisition.

Functions of WEC:

  • To raise awareness of gender equity concerns among Oxford Engineering College staff members by planning sensitivity programmes, such as seminars and handouts, etc.
    • To encourage harmony in general and guard against sexual harassment and discrimination against women in the institutions by periodically offering the administration helpful advice.
    • To address any incidents of sexual harassment or discrimination against women on campus.

    •  To educate pupils about gender equity.
    •  Assisting pupils in adopting a more positive outlook on life and women.
    •  To use social service to create a society that embodies the social and economic equality of genders as envisioned by the Indian Constitution.
    •  Reaching out to rural women, educating them on their legal and social rights, and providing them with tools.

Composition of Women Empowerment Cell

Role of the Women’s Empowerment Cell

·       To ensure that appropriate action is taken against the offender

·       To ensure that victims and witnesses are not victimized or discriminated because of their complaint.

·       To take proactive measures